Why Should People Read My Blog? Because I Say So.

Just today I came across an article on Copyblogger titled: "Why Should Anyone Read Your Blog?" and while I found many of the points very informative, and generally true, there was one I found pompous and completely untrue.

"If you actually make 7 figures on the Web, you are allowed to start a “making money online” blog. 
If not, well, don’t."
Honestly? Really? I make a small amount of money online, in fact what I make in a month would be chump change compared even to a minimum wage job. Does that mean that I shouldn't be writing this blog? No, it doesn't. I write this blog as a sort of informative, public, personal journal about the things that I'm learning as I delve deeper into the world of freelance writing. I've made money online, I'll continue making money online, I'm an active reader of some of the greatest bloggers out there, I've done a hell of a lot of research, I think that gives me authority enough to be writing this "make money writing online" blog of mine.

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